Jeremy Meyers Dot Com
Hi, I’m Jeremy Meyers. In my life I’ve been a Downtown NYC weird son of hippie artist parents, a park kid, a goth 80s and industrial DJ, worked at several record labels, helped define early social media tools, worked in corporate PR (yuck), been a defendant in an internet censorship case for the ACLU in the mid 90s. I’ve lived in Atlanta since 2012, where I build simple websites for small local businesses. Welcome!
Recent Blog Posts
Stephen Sondheim 1930-2021
In 2008 I was working for Sony Masterworks during the release of the box set “Stephen Sondheim: The Story So Far” and was honored to have the opportunity to co-produce (with Vella Interactive, Dana Saltzman Siegel and David Foil) a lengthy podcast series around the entirety of his career. It’s…

On places that feel like home going away.
My coffee shop is gone. The place where they know me and know my order. I walk in and whoever is at the register will just say “Jeremy’s here” and ask if i want hot or iced today. The owner of the building raised the rent, and did not accept…

General Life Update 2020
Still don’t have much to write about in essay form.Kate and I are still in Atlanta, in a cute cottage in Grant Park. We recently celebrated ten years together.Have started teaching myself Ableton and Music Production. You can here some of my (not very good at at this point) music…
Selected Writing
What’s the best that could happen?: Why Risk Analysis is only part of the story
Often, we keep ourselves from trying new things, going out on a limb, or putting ourselves out there by focusing on the worst possible outcome. “Oh, I could never ask him out, what if he says no and laughs at…
What Matters In Life: Connection and Giving.
This post was inspired by an interaction I had with my friend (who I’ve never met in person) Erika Bitzer, who blogged about it on planpitchprint in a post called “Fate and Twitter” For those who are connected with me…
What “What ___ Can Teach us about blogging” can teach us about blogging.
I don’t have many rules when I sit down to decide what to write here on my little slice of the internets, but one I try to stick to is “Avoid reactive post structure.”. You won’t see me writing about…
There’s nothing inherently useful about being an early adopter.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been ahead of the curve. This is not ego, it just a simple statement of fact. I tend to be into things several years before they catch on with the general population. …
The difference between wanting help and being ready to accept help
Image by D3 San Francisco via Flickr In life, we are each frequently in the position of being able to offer help to others. This may come in the form of giving advice to a loved one, strategizing on…
Restrictions are the new freedom: Web 3.0, Twitter and Setting Limits
(yes I know, quite an ambitious title) What if Facebook only allowed you 75 friends? The continued rise of Twitter.com has been attributed to many things by many people. Beyond the ambient intimacy, portability, business uses, networking, simplicity, etc, is…
Recognizing and embracing true value: How do we address fear?
When we talk about values we enjoy when it comes to people, things that often come up are kindness, approachability, warmth, humor, a connection and openness to others and the world around them (often described as ‘lighting up a room’),…
On Vulnerability
[Inspired by Brene Brown’s awesome TEDTalk “The Power of Vulnerability”, which I really recommend you watch before reading this post. Go ahead, I’ll wait.] [and also inspired by Amber N’s Things I Wish People Knew About Me] Vulnerability is a…
On compassion.
When we are quick to judge others, people or companies that may not be communicating honestly, that may be scared of having people gossip, or spread untruths, or being perceived inaccurately, we are creating an ‘me vs them’ space for…
On Authority: We don’t have it when we think we do.
In this business, we all talk a lot about authenticity, transparency, engagement. I’ve seen a ton of blog posts, tweets, and whitepapers that say “corporations are no longer in control”. We focus on the new meaning of influence. This is…
Focus on the bridge: A framework for emotionally engaging storytelling.
In any exchange and especially in storytelling, there are two ‘islands’: the listener and the subject. A great experience will put the focus in between them, creating a bridge by which the listener can cross to connect with the subject….
Be a person-sized learning atom within your own community.
[This post inspired by a post that Rich Millington wrote about Why Most Companies Shouldn’t Try To Create an Online Community] Most organizations really want a big following, not a community.A following is an audience that interacts with you. A…
Are we going about this whole communications thing backward?
(Inspired by Justin Kownacki’s post “I Tweet, Therefore I Am Empty”) There’s an increasing backlash against Social Media as shiny object lately, and rightfully so. The concept of communicating online to meet business goals, when wrapped around this aura of…
Adding That Third Thing: What Nobody Tells Us About How to Handle Charged Situations
There is so much that we all take for granted when going through life. One of the biggest assumptions that I have gotten caught in historically (and that I see a lot of people caught in) is the assumption that…
Me, Socially
I Am Reading.
My Annual Top Albums List.
Read More About It.