Anyone who’s my friend on Facebook is by now well aware that during each debate I kept a running commentary of my own snark about what people are saying.
For those of you who arent my FB friend, I present for your amusement, my commentary from the third Presidential debate, in chronological order for your pleasure.
Jeremy wonders what number McCain thinks would be okay for Obama’s tax plan to consider “middle class”…. $500k? $750k?
Jeremy during the depression era, “we”… oooh not a good thing to say.
Jeremy thinks these are the same talking points from the last debate.
Jeremy maybe mccain was associated with the worst chapter in american history…the civil war!
Jeremy is amused by Obama’s “Whatchoo talkin bout, Honky!” smile.
Jeremy waits for the moment when McCain realizes he’s monumentally screwed.
Jeremy out with the old, in with the fresh air in washington…is that really the argument you want to make, mister 26 years in congress?
Jeremy wants to build 45 new nucular powered pants.
Jeremy is sick of McCains stupid hook-around left-handed writing on his pad.
Jeremy is surprised McCain can IDENTIFY eloquence, mister stutt-stutt-stutter.
Jeremy is getting hammered, just like the auto makers.
Jeremy can’t believe mccain is citing Colombia as a good partner…how much money spent funding both sides of the drug war?
Jeremy wait…did he just call me fat?
Jeremy wonders if Joe the Plumber is the same as Joe Sixpack.
Jeremy notes that one can be anti ‘roe v wade’ and also not necessarily pro-life.
Jeremy thinks theres gotta be someone who’s pro-abortion.
Jeremy thinks Obama is now just ripping stuff out of West Wing Season 2 scripts.
Jeremy went to a charter school. What do they have to say about Regents exams?
Jeremy thinks that every school with more than 300 people needs to be split up.
Jeremy did he just say that he belived that children are our future?
Jeremy McCain/Rain Man ’08.
Jeremy loved Bob Schieffer when he played Mark Twain on broadway. /obscure?
..fin *bow*